Mr. N64's Summary of Ridge Racer V's
Story and Play Mechanics


Play Modes:

Play Mode Description
Grand Prix You must win a series of races in order to earn new cars and features. Some Grand Prix levels require you to place first, some consist of only one race on an oval track. They use the same track variations over and over.
Vs. Take on a friend.
Time Trial Try to break course records to earn duel challenges.
Free Run Driving with no restrictions whatsoever. You must earn this mode by finishing certain Grand Prix stages.
Duel If you beat a CPU top score for a track in both difficulty levels in Time Trials mode, you can race the former record holder for his car.


Button Action
Analog Sticks/D-pad Steer. You cannot adjust the sensitivity of the analog sticks, but you can adjust the sensitivity of the analog d-pad. You can also use the d-pad in digital mode to steer.
Square Brake (analog or digital)
X Accelerate (analog or digital)
Triangle Change view
R1 Shift up
L1 Shift down
R2 or R2 Look behind car (Rear View)

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