SEI, Software Engineering Institute in Pittsburgh
SEI's CMM Level 2
100 CMM evaluations : questionnaire data and summary by Martinig & Associates in Switzerland.

Software Engineering Experiences Info

SEL's Experience with Cleanroom at NASA and techical report

Software Engineering Groups and FAQ's FAQ from Ohio State
IIT Software Engineering Group at Canada's National Research Council
STING, Software Technology Interest Group at CERN in Switzerland.
Software Engineering -- Virtual Library at NASA
Software Engineering -- Virtual Library Site 2


The Real-Time Computing Lab at University of Michigan
Home Page Automation and Process Control
Real-Time papers from York University in UK
IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems
RealTime Lab at University of Massassusetts
Real Time at MIT
Specification Description Language at Tele Danmark Research
Reasearch Publications from DIGITAL Equipment Corporation in Mass.

Standards and Organizations

Note: Organizations include professional, educational, commercial, governmental, and informal. International Standards Organization -- ISO
US DoD Standards for Software from ITSI at Defense Information Systems Agency
ACM Association for Computing Machinery (New York main office)
IEEE Computer Society and its Technical Committee on Software Engineering
Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie-Mellon in Pittsburgh
Capers Jones Software Productivity Research in Massessusetts
SPR's Language Level List shows relationships between function-points and lines-of-code
Software Configuration Management FAQ at Honeywell
Software Configuration Management Yellow-Pages Reference List at Colorado
Data and Analysis Ceter for Software through Rome AFB in New York.
Software Quality by SQM at Aviator's Network in UK
Software Reengineering index at Yahoo
Software Engineering Lab at NASA
Software Technology Support Center of US Air Force in Utah
Software Testing Labs in Seattle, Washington
Software Testing Institute in Ricarson, Texas
Software Reengineering from University of Aberdeen in UK
Formal Methods from Oxford in UK
Software Engineering at Stanford, California
CIS Software Technology Lab at Queens University in Ontario
Formal Technical Reviews from University of Hawaii
Software Program Managers Network from US Navy in Virginia
Tenet Group Home Page at Berkeley, California
Centre for Software Reliablity at Newcastle University in UK
High Integrity Systems Engineering Group at York University in UK.

Languages and Systems

Ada Programming Language on Swiss Federal Institute server in Lausanne C language
Oberon for compiler construction from ETH Zurich.
comp.object archive from University of Mainz in Germany
Lynx Unix-OS for Intel Hardware

Software Engineering Reference Lists

Ian Sommerville's List at University of Lancaster in UK.
Software Engineering Sites from University of Kieserlauten in Germany
Bob Binder's List at RBSC in Chicago.(especially testing)
Tom Van Vleck's comics and list at "Best Practices".
R.S.Pressman's List at R.S.Pressman Associates, including his Software Process Advisor.

Software Engineering -- Computer Science Book Publishers

Addison-Wesley Enginering and Computer Science
Kluwer Academic Publishers in the Netherlands

Software EngineeringTools Lists

These lists are often a combination of commerical, educations, and / or freeware shareware through public archives.

Non-Commercial Software Engineering Software

Software tools which aid in software engineering and is available as freeware or shareware through public archives.

Commercial Software Engineering Software

Testing Tools, especially Test Coverage Tools

Conferences and Conference Material

International Conference on Sofware Engineering 1997 (May 1997 in Boston) and sample of a Lessons Learned report.

This page, whose URL is "", is maintained by Paul Stachour ,
It was last updated on 18 Oct 1999