Mr. N64's Breakdown of WCW vs. NWO's Game Elements:

4 out of 5: The characters are large and well animated. The crowd is not. Overall, the graphics convey the atmosphere nicely, but probably could have been better.


3 out of 5: There isn't much music in the game, and the only piece that stands out in my memory is the heavy-metal opening. When the music is there, it's passable and appropriate, but unremarkable.

Sound FX:

4 out of 5: The sounds are clear and effective, but more voice could have helped to heighten the excitement.

Play Control:

4 out of 10: The control is less than average, and it's definitely the game's weakest point. The default controller setup is unintuitive and difficult to use. The control can seem fairly unresponsive at times. Mashing the buttons works almost as well as playing with a strategy.

Frustration Factor:

3 out of 10 (10 being the worst): If you can't adapt to the control, the game can be frustrating. On the other hand, if the control isn't a problem for you, you probably won't find WCW vs. NWO to be frustrating at all.

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