Mr. N64's Breakdown of Mission: Impossible's Game Elements:

4 out of 5: The graphics in the first stage of Mission: Impossible are the worst that I encountered in the game. In this stage, the screen is overly hazy and murky. Overall, the graphics in Mission: Impossible are a little fuzzy, but the environments are varied and detailed enough to make each level feel new. The graphics aren't nearly as sharp and realistic as Goldeneye's graphics are, but they're still above average. If the graphics were a little sharper and higher resolution, I would have given them a 5.


4 out of 5: The wavetable rendition of the classic theme is pretty bad, but the background music for most stages fits well. Not the best, but not bad at all.

Sound FX:

4 out of 5: The sounds in Mission: Impossible seemed to fit nicely. However, some of the sounds seem very similar to sounds I've heard in other games. For example, when Candice gets hit, she lets out a grunty yell very similar to those of the women in Goldeneye's multi-player mode.

Play Control:

6 out of 10: Mission: Impossible's biggest flaw is its control. For specific details on the control problems, check the Summary of the Mission: Impossible Experience section of this review. Overall, the control is average at best.

Frustration Factor:

5 out of 10 (10 being the worst): Having to repeat stages because of control slip-ups is no fun. It doesn't happen too often, but it happens enough to cause some aggravation. Honestly, the control was the only thing that I found frustrating with the game -- and the only seriously frustrating situation that I encountered was in the IMF Mainframe stage.

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