Mr. N64's Breakdown of Mace: The Dark Age's Game Elements:

1 out of 5: The animation is choppy. The in-game characters are not very detailed. The backgrounds have graphical glitches. However, as I look at screen-shots around the web, I am beginning to wonder if I played a defective game or something. The images around the web show sharper, more detailed graphics and larger characters than what I observed during my evaluation of the game. Maybe there was something wrong with my TV. Nonetheless, I must relate to you what I saw, and what I saw was poor graphics.


3 out of 5: A lot of the music sounds like it was lifted straight from Hexen. In a way, it fits, but it doesn't make much of an impact.

Sound FX:

2 out of 5: Most of the sounds in Mace don't really sound as though they're sounds from fighting. made note of this, and used the game's odd sounds to construct a rather twisted sound file for mature audiences only. To check out's clip, Click Here

Play Control:

5 out of 10: Mace's control is pretty standard. Not good, not bad.

Frustration Factor:

8 out of 10 (10 being the worst): I found this game rather dull and old hat. It's not any more frustrating to play than other N64 fighters, just less fun. If I had to play it for a long time, I'd find that experience a rather frustrating waste of my time. Of course, if you're a die-hard fan of fighting games, your mileage may vary.

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