Mr. N64's Summary of the NBA In The Zone '98 Experience

In the days before the N64 was available for purchase, my friends and I pitched in to rent a Playstation and a couple of games. One of the games we rented was the original NBA In The Zone. We were very impressed, and I wondered if Konami would be making a version of the game for Nintendo’s future 64-bit system. It’s been more than a year since then, and Konami has just released NBA In The Zone ’98 (ITZ ‘98) for the N64. So how does it stand up to the original? Well...

From the moment the game begins, the differences between the N64 and Playstation version become apparent. The surprising (and unfortunately disappointing) thing is that most of the differences actually make the N64 version inferior to the original Playstation version. Instead of enhancing and improving on the sharp, detailed graphics of the Playstation version, ITZ ‘98 runs at an incredibly low resolution that puts the N64 to shame. The anti-aliasing makes an incredibly fuzzy mess, and the mip-mapping makes the game’s poor textures look even worse. To borrow the popular analogy going around the IGN web sites lately, the game looks like Vaseline has been rubbed all over the screen. Not only are the graphics fuzzy, blurry and low res, but the players are too small, and they are constructed with extremely odd polygon models. They don’t look right during the game’s replays or during a rare close-up view.

Another negative change from the Playstation version is the music. The Playstation had awesome hip-hop style tunes both during and between quarters. While ITZ 98’s music is high quality, it repeats endlessly, and is completely absent during play. The menu music repeats so often that it can be extremely annoying to use the more advanced menu based team management.

Finally (and most importantly), the gameplay is stiffer, and generally less enjoyable than the original Playstation version. All of the visual and musical flaws mentioned above also detract from the gameplay by nullifying any sense of immersion into the action. It’s not the worst basketball game I’ve ever played, but it’s not very good either.

In conclusion, ITZ ‘98 is a good example of how not to use the N64. Konami ought to know better -- especially after it’s stellar International Superstar Soccer 64. I still can’t believe that the original PSX version looks and plays better. The N64 deserves more.

Overall Rating: Definite Miss
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