Twin Cities SIGAda presents:

TriAda97 Attendees

Those individuals fortunate enough to attend TriAda97

Report from TriAda97: November 1997, in St.Louis

7-9 PM, Tuesday November 25, 1997
Penn Lake Library
8800 Penn Avenue South, Bloomington, Minnesota.

How can one interface Ada to visual environments.? Get a preview of "CLAW", an Ada95 interface to Microsoft Windows that uses Ada's named parmeters, default parameters, and aoverloading to greatly reduce the complexity of the Application Programming Interface compared to the "C" bindings.

How is Ada doing in Education? The number of schools offering courses using Ada is up 37% in the last two years. We'll report on a school using both Ada95 and C++ in CS1 (the first class), as reported at TriAda97.

How are Ada compiler vendors doing? Sales are up in the last 3 months. Come and see data about the 14 vendors and 87 compilers on major systems.

With the dropping of the "Ada mandate", what are the effects on the use of Ada? What's seen in both the government and commerical environments? Hear about the musical presented at TriAda97.

What's a technology introduction curve? Learn where some people think Ada is on that curve, and why it is there.

Java's a *hot* language these days. We'll describe some of the language features that cause problems for Java programmers, especially the Java/C++ inheritance model. There is a rumor that the next version of Java will include generics, something that Ada programmers have been using since 1983.

And more. Come and ply the TriAda attendees with your questions.

Penn Lake Library may be reached by taking the Penn Avenue exit from Interstate 494 in Bloomington, and driving about 10 blocks south. At 88th street, turn right (west) for one block, then left(south), taking the 2nd driveway on the left to enter the parking lost. Alternatively, take the 90th street exit from Interstate 35W in Bloomington, and driving about 10 blocks west. Cross Penn Avenue, and turn right at the next street. Continue North towards 88th and the library. Before reaching 88th, turn right into the library parking lot.