T-Minus 3 Days and Counting...

Hey everyone!

Just 3 days to the PS2 launch! 

I've finished my templates for the new site design. The good news is that I'm pretty much set to start writing new reviews (finally). The not so good news is that since the new look uses tables for some stylistic touches, the several-year-old Netscape 4 browser doesn't display the new pages as nicely as Big Brother Bill's Internet Explorer 5. I'm as upset as anyone about the dominance of Microsoft's security-prone browser, but until Netscape 6 is released, the new design simply won't look as good in Netscape.

I was going to transfer all of the old N64 reviews to the new templates, but after doing a few I realized that it would be just too time consuming to get them all done before the 26th. What I've done instead is to simply update the links in the old reviews to fit the new site layout. If you come across some bad links in the old reviews, please e-mail them to me so that I can fix them. 

If you're curious about the new look, you can check out a preview by looking at my old review of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (one of the few that I changed to the new format). The new reviews on this site will all have the same basic design with some color variations for each game system.

Stay tuned. I'll be posting more soon!

-Mr. N64