Mr. N64's Summary of The Bouncer Experience

A lot of games lately have been more like interactive movies than traditional video games. Shenmue and Metal Gear Solid are perhaps the best of these games, and now The Bouncer is unquestionably the worst of them.

This is literally how the game works (and no, this is not a joke): 

  1. Watch a DVD-quality full-screen pre-rendered movie (which may or may not be in 5.1 surround sound)
  2. Punch or kick some bad guy drones (5 or so is typical).
  3. Save and power up your character.
  4. Repeat.

The actual gameplay is absolutely pathetic. Punching and kicking are sluggish and it's common to unexpectedly miss opponents when it seems contact is a sure thing. Most gameplay sections last less than two minutes, and those that last longer do so because of the confusing and repetitious environments.

By far the most aggravating flaw in the brief bits of gameplay is the ordeal you must go through to continue when you lose. First, you must wait for the title screen to load. Then you must re-load your game, and then you must tediously use the controller to access menus and skip 5 or so movie sections that you've just seen (as part of a whole sequence). All of this is required to just retry a minute or two of gameplay.

Squaresoft is world renowned for their CG work and emotional stories, but The Bouncer is like a bad cliché. The heroes are all the stereotypical moody and reluctantly-good type (they even have the standard spikey hair). The women are either overly cutesy and kind, or overly nasty and vixen-like. And of course there's an evil, heartless, multinational corporation behind all of the wrong-doing in the game. At the head of this evil corporation is a misguided young man who was wronged by society as a young lad. Yes, the story is really that trite -- and it isn't even very detailed or well told!

Since it only takes an hour or so to play through the story once, it can be marginally interesting to spend another hour and play with different characters to see the subtle plot twists that can occur. Once an afternoon has been spent, however, this game has been completely wrung dry of anything worthwhile. There are also a multiplayer versus mode and a one player survival mode, but why would anyone want to spend time with their friends playing with such a poor fighting engine?

Even the graphics are a disappointment. The character models are high-poly, but you'll find it hard to admire them due to the wicked form of anti-aliasing that square has used. Everything in the distance appears slightly blurred as if Vaseline had been smeared over it and the game's odd motion blur actually made it very difficult to grab a clear screenshot for this review.

Still, if you're curious enough to give this a rental, you probably won't feel completely robbed of your cash. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Overall Rating: Definite Miss

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