Mr. N64's Breakdown of NFL Quarterback Club '98 (QBC)'s Game Elements:

5 out of 5: QBC's high-res graphics just have to be seen to be appreciated. There isn't much of an exciting atmosphere to the game's visuals, but the clarity is amazing.


4 out of 5: There's only one piece of music (during menu screens), and it's pretty good -- but it repeats, and repeats, and repeats....

Sound FX:

2 out of 5: The crowd effects are poor. The play-by-play is annoyingly repetitive. The sound effects are repetitive as well, and they're not of a very high quality.

Play Control:

1 out of 10: Having never before played a football game like QBC, I needed to learn the basics of the genre. Unfortunately, the manual was of no help, and there is no practice mode either. There also was no key for the colors and symbols used on the game's play diagrams. If you are used to video-football games, then you may find the control just fine. However, as a newbie to this sort of game, I found it extremely difficult to get the hang of the controls (and gameplay in general) without instruction.

Frustration Factor:

5 out of 10 (10 being the worst): Once again, as a video-football newbie, I found the lack of instruction regarding the controls very frustrating. However, if you're fine with the controls, then QBC shouldn't cause you any frustration at all.

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