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Summary of the Pilotwings 64 Experience:

Basically, you use several different characters and flight vehicles to achieve your pilot's license in three different flight classes.

Play mechanics:
The game lets you fly using a rocket pack, a hang glider, gyrocopter, and a few bonus modes of flight. Pairing different characters with the different vehicles changes their control. You fly through rings, take pictures, etc. to meet different goals. You're rated on your performance, and this rating determines if you can go on to the next class.

What's it like to play?:
Pilotwings 64 is a solid game, but it's a game that may not be for everyone. It tries to mix arcade style goals with simulation style control. The product of these conflicting styles is a fun game -- if you're a fan of flight sims. If you were expecting unrestricted free-style flight, however, you'll be more than a little disappointed. Completing the goals requires masterful flying that I suppose theoretically could be attained through practice, but who wants to spend their time doing the same thing over and over and over until it's done to the computer's liking? The game is more fun than its Super NES counterpart was, but this is probably not going to be fun city for most players. All in all, Pilotwings 64 is a solid game that won't appeal to everyone. It is, however, definitely one worth renting to see if it suits your taste.
Overall Rating: Rent Before Buying
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