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Breakdown of Killer Instinct Gold's Game Elements:

4 out of 5: The characters in KI Gold are true to the series, being full of overly buff, scantily clad men and women. Thanks to the N64's graphics abilities, KI Gold looks as sharp as the arcade game. The polygonal backgrounds (while not very detailed) scale and move very smoothly. The problem is that after being wowed by silky smooth polygonal characters in Mario, Wave Race, and Shadows of the Empire, KI Gold's sprite based characters and their traditional animation appear somewhat choppy by comparison.

4 out of 5: KI Gold's music is sharp, clear, and is conducive to an adrenaline pumping fight. Despite its overall quality, some of the tunes don't fit with their respective backgrounds. The result is music that sounds more like someone left their stereo on in the background than music that contributes to the atmosphere of the game.

Sound FX:
3 out of 5: Voices are muffled, and often don't seem to fit with the characters that they belong to. Fighting sounds don't have enough force to them, sounding more like light splatters rather than fierce punches.

Play Control:
5 out of 10: There's something wrong with the play control of a game when you can finish it simply by mashing buttons. Having to memorize complex, abstract button combinations and charts before being able to play with any sort of skill is also a sign of control that needs work. On the other hand, the characters respond quickly to button input, and the game seems quite able to recognize a special move when you are able to execute one.

Frustration Factor:

6 out of 10 (10 being the worst): If you don't mind taking a long time to memorize all the different moves and charts for KI Gold, then the game probably isn't too frustrating. The Practice mode helps make this a little less of a chore. But then again, since when has memorization been an enjoyable and relaxing activity? If you don't want to memorize everything, then you'd better have an indestructible thumb, and be expecting some serious frustration.

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