Mr. N64's Breakdown of 1080 Snowboarding's Game Elements:

Graphics: 5/5  
The lens flares, blowing snow effects and frame-rate are top notch. The scenery, however, was too monotone and repetitious to draw me into the action. Another notable quirk is that the N64 seems to turn off it's mip-mapping at times to speed up the game. The blocky textures that appear when this happens can be distracting. Overall, the graphics are still worthy of a rating of five.
Music: 4/5  
1080's music doesn't repeat as frequently as the music in most N64 games. The tunes have good techno-like instrument samples, and make good use of voice samples. The problem with that is that the odd lyrics have little to do with fast paced snowboarding. For example one track has an announcer repeating the "This is a test" message from the EBS warning system. Still, 1080 has some pretty decent tunes.
Sound FX: 5/5  
While I should take off a point for the idiotic voice that Nintendo gave the female snowboarder, the rest is so top notch that it wouldn't be right. The sounds are crisp and effective, only adding to the experience.
Play Control: 6/10  
1080 is not as easy to pick up and play as it should be. The high-end stunts are also too difficult to execute. See the Summary of the 1080 Snowboarding Experience section of this review for more details on the control.
Frustration Factor: 5/10 (10 being the worst)  
The major frustrations that I experienced with 1080 were a lack of progress and difficulty with the control. Repeating race after race got tedious, and it wasn't fun trying to get the knack of making four perfect circles with the control stick in less than two seconds to activate a stunt. The fact that the snowboards are breakable is also rather frustrating.

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